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Hamada Hamid Altalib, DO, MPH

Hamada Hamid Altalib, DO, MPH

Principle Investigator

Dr. Altalib is the Director of the Yale Epilepsy Outcomes Research Program, in which he oversees clinical trials and cohort studies related to epilepsy interventions. In addition to seizure control outcomes, his research explores psychiatric co-morbidity of neurologic disease. At Yale University he also provides care for people with neurological injury that impact emotional processing. For instance, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, movement disorders (and their treatments) can affect brain circuits and chemistry and lead to mood, anxiety, and even psychotic disorders. Furthermore, neuropsychiatric conditions such functional movement disorder and psychogenic non-epileptic seizures are managed in his clinic. He is also the Director of the Veteran Administration (VA) Epilepsy Center of Excellence in West Haven, CT, where he oversees and provides direct care for Veterans with epilepsy throughout the greater New England region. 

Current Lab Members

Margaret Gopaul, PhD

Margaret Gopaul, PhD, MSCP

Research Coordinator

Dr. Maggie Gopaul is a clinical psychologist with advanced training in neuropsychology, neurophysiology, and neuropharmacology. She oversees clinical trials across the Yale Neurology Clinical Investigations Research Department and Yale Epilepsy Outcomes Research Program.

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Sana F. Ali, MD

Dr. Sana F. Ali is the Senior Postdoctoral Associate at Yale Neurology and Yale Epilepsy Outcomes Research Program. She leads the Reduction of Seizures Through Education and Support (ROSES) and Home-based Self-Management and Cognitive Training Changes Lives (HOBSCOTCH) studies. She also coordinates the Functional Seizure Disorder (FSD) study and the Cerevel Clinical Trial Study (CVL-865). 

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Siddharth Khasnavis, MD

Dr. Siddharth Khasnavis is an Assistant Professor at Yale Psychiatry. His current research projects include Functional Seizure Disorder (FSD) and Healthcare Utilization among Veterans with FSD. 

Mirza Baig, MD, MPH, MSc

Mirza M Baig, MD, MPH, MSc

Dr. Mirza M. Baig is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Miami School of Medicine and Yale Center for Medical Informatics. He is currently involved with Epilepsy Outcomes Research, specifically Human Epilepsy Project (HEP-3) and the VA Neurology Dashboard.

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Chinenye Okafor, MD

Dr. Chinenye Okafor is a Postdoctoral Associate at Yale Neurology and Yale Epilepsy Outcomes Research Program. Her current projects are the Reduction of Seizures Through Education and Support (ROSES) and the Human Epilepsy Project (HEP).

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Poojith Nuthalapati, MD

Dr. Poojith Nuthalapati is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale Neurology and Yale Epilepsy Outcomes Research Program. His current research projects include the Cerevel Clinical Trial Study (CVL-865) and Refractory Status Epilepticus (RAISE) Clinical Trial Study.

Anthony Jimenez, BS

Anthony D. Jimenez, BS

Anthony Jimenez is a Postgraduate Associate at Yale Neurology. He is actively involved in the New Onset Refractory Status Epilepticus (NORSE), NORSE/FIRES Biorepository, Staccato alprazolam study, and RAISE. He is the coordinator for the Medtronic Deep Brain Stimulation Epilepsy Study and assists with the Cerevel Clinical Trial Study (CVL-865).  

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Zihan Chen, BS

Zihan Chen is a Masters of Science graduate student at the Yale School of Public Health (Health Informatics Track) and the Graduate School of Arts and Science. She is involved in the Human Epilepsy Project and is a Masters Capstone Advisee under Dr. Altalib's supervision.

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Daniel G. DeBonis, BS

Danny G. DeBonis is a student in the Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology program at Columbia University. He is involved in clinical research including the Human Epilepsy Project (HEP) and Functional Seizure Disorder (FSD). 

Post-Doctoral Fellow Alumni

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Mohamed Afify

Medical School: Tanta University, Egypt

Yale Projects: Anti-Seizure Medication Database

Life After Yale: Neurology Residency University of Connecticut, Farmington, CT

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Yarden Bornoviski

Medical School: Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Italy

Yale Projects: Post Traumatic Epileptic & Psychogenic Seizure Veteran Cohort Study

Life After Yale: Neurology Residency Westchester Medical Center, Westchester, NY

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Daniela Galluzzo

Medical School: Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Italy

Yale Projects: Post Traumatic Epileptic & Psychogenic Seizure Veteran Cohort Study

Life After Yale: Neurology Residency Westchester Medical Center, Westchester, NY

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Mohamed Eldokmak

Medical School: University of Alexandria, Egypt

Yale Projects: Anti-Seizure Medication Database

Life After Yale: Neurology Residency SUNY Downstate University, Brooklyn, NY

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Ambar Khan

Medical School: Nishtar Medical College, Pakistan

Yale Projects: Anti-Seizure Medication Database, Pediatric Cluster Seizures

Life After Yale: Fellow Palliative Care Larkin Community Hospital, Miami, Fl

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Noor Mahmoud

Medical School: University of Sharjah, UAE

Yale Projects: Anti-Seizure Medication Database

Life After Yale: Neurology Residency University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK

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Paulina Rojas

Medical School: Universidad Central De Venezuela, Venezuela

Yale Projects: Neuropsychology of Epilepsy, Epilepsy Surgery Database, Cohort Study of Lyrica and Vision Function

Life After Yale: Neurology Residency Einstein Healthcare, Philadelphia, PA

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Hatem Tolba

Medical School: Tanta University, Egypt

Yale Projects: ENGAGE Clinical Trial, Anti-Seizure Medication Database

Life After Yale: Neurology Residency College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

Post-Graduate Fellow Alumni

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Anelisa Fergus

Education: BA Linguistics Yale University

Yale Research Projects: Human Epilepsy Project

Life After Yale: Medical School Temple University, Phladelphia, PA


Ebony Jackson-Shaheed

Education: MPH Epidemiology SUNY Downstate School of Public Health

Yale Research Projects: : Post Traumatic Epileptic & Psychogenic Seizure Veteran Cohort Study

Life After Yale: Director Health & Social Services City of Hartford, Hartford, CT

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Monica Colunga, MDP

Monica Colunga is a student in the Master of Public Health program in Biostatistics at the Yale School of Public Health. Her work at the Yale Epilepsy Outcomes Research Program includes a project evaluating quality metrics in epilepsy care. 


Yanhui Guo, MS

Yanhui Guo is a Yale Masters of Science in Biostatistics and an intern in the Yale Epilepsy Outcomes Research Program. She conducts biostatistical analysis on the incidence of psychiatric and behavioral adverse events of anti-seizure medications.


Yanjun Wu, MS

Yanjun Wu is a Master of Science in Biostatistics student at Yale and an intern in the Yale Epilepsy Outcomes Research Program. She conducts biostatistical analysis on PNES data focusing on assessing seizure outcomes and healthcare utilization.

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Abiha Jafri

Education: BS Applied Mathematics University of Connecticut

Yale Research Projects: Human Epilepsy Project

Life After Yale: Master's Degree in Bioengineering, Brown University, Providence, RI 

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Alma Rechnitzer

Education: BA French Franklin & Marshall College

Yale Research Projects: Human Epilepsy Project

Life After Yale: Medical School, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY

Biostatistics Interns Alumni

Visiting Students Alumni

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Mariyam Habeeb

Medical School: Quinnipiac University

Yale Research Projects: Social Network Analysis of Epilepsy Coordination of Care

Life After Yale: To be determined

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Maschal Mohiuddin

Medical School: University of Connecticut

Yale Research Projects: Muslim Mental Health Models of Service

Life After Yale: Psychiatry Resident  Harvard Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

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Shanicka Reynolds

Medical School: Quinnipiac University

Yale Research Projects: Anti-Seizure Medication Database, Epilepsy Surgery Database

Life After Altalib Lab: Yale Neurology Residency 

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800 Howard Avenue, Ste Lower Level

New Haven, CT, 06519



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